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Number of search results: 13

EASA Technical Manual

  • September 2022
  • Number of views: 30500
  • Article rating: .6
FREE for Members of EASA

Revised September 2022!
EASA's most comprehensive technical document is available FREE to EASA members. Download the complete manual or just the sections you're interested in.

Fundamentos de Reparación Mecánica de Motores Eléctricos

  • March 2022
  • Number of views: 19818
  • Article rating: 4.0

En toda reparación mecánica, la capacidad para desmontar, reparar y volver a montar el motor de forma apropiada sin dañar innecesariamente ninguna de sus piezas es fundamental.

Esta obra contiene muchas sugerencias sobre el manejo apropiado de las diferentes partes de un motor para minimizar los daños durante el proceso de reparación. Sin embargo, es imposible desarrollar un listado que las incluya todas.

En cambio, el principio básico de tomarse el tiempo para usar la herramienta adecuada y por lo general el procedimiento apropiado guiará a los técnicos por el camino correcto.

Principles of Medium & Large AC Motors, 1st Edition - IEC

  • February 2020
  • Number of views: 58081
  • Article rating: 3.9

This manual covers horizontal and vertical squirrel-cage induction motors in the 300 to 5,000 horsepower range, low- and medium-voltage. Most of the principles covered apply to other sizes as well. This manual focuses primarily on IEC motors and standards.

Root Cause Failure Analysis, 2nd Edition

  • September 2019
  • Number of views: 38042
  • Article rating: 3.8

This book was developed to help electric motor technicians and engineers prevent repeated failures because the root cause of failure was never determined. By using a proven methodology combined with extensive lists of known causes of failures, one can identify the actual cause of failure without being an “industry expert.” In fact, when properly used, this material will polish one’s diagnostic skills that would qualify one as an industry expert.

Principios de Motores C.A. Medianos y Grandes - NEMA

  • February 2019
  • Number of views: 17416
  • Article rating: 4.5

Las versiones impresas y en forma de descarga del valioso manual didáctico / recurso de EASA, “Principios de Motores C.A. Medianos y Grandes”, se  ahora disponibles en inglés y en español. El manual incluye gráficos e ilustraciones, fotografías y mucha información técnica sobre máquinas C.A., incluyendo como funcionan, información específica sobre los tipos de encerramientos, fabricación de componentes y aplicaciones.  Muchos de los principios incluidos en el libro aplican a todos los motores C.A., especialmente a aquellos accesorios que fueron asociados en el pasado con las máquinas más grandes (como encoders, RTDs, termostatos, calentadores de espacio, sensores de vibración, etc.).

Principles of Medium & Large AC Motors, 2nd Edition - NEMA

  • August 2015
  • Number of views: 18054
  • Article rating: 3.6

This manual, a companion to EASA's 2-day seminar of the same name, covers horizontal and vertical squirrel-cage induction motors in the 300 to 5,000 horsepower range, low- and medium-voltage. Most of the principles covered apply to other sizes as well. This manual focuses primarily on NEMA motors.

AC Motor Redesign

  • February 2014
  • Number of views: 12138
  • Article rating: 4.2

EASA’s AC Motor Redesign manual explains how to make all possible changes in the ratings of AC electric motors, within design limitations. Besides mathematical formulas, it provides guidelines on the limitations for each type of redesign.

Rediseño de Motores AC

  • February 2014
  • Number of views: 15437
  • Article rating: 4.6

Durante los últimos años, el rediseño de los motores eléctricos es un servicio que ha aumentado de popularidad en las compañías que reparan motores eléctricos. Al variar  uno o más datos del diseño, los centros de servicio muchas veces pueden adaptar motores para que cumplan con nuevos requisitos de forma más rápida y económica que al comprar motores nuevos.

Fundamentals of Pump Repair

  • June 2013
  • Number of views: 18709
  • Article rating: 4.4

The repair of the various types of pumps represents an important segment of the service center repair market. Electric motors and pumps are the two most widely used industrial machine components.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Although there are two principle pump types (dynamic and positive displacement), this manual focuses on dynamic pumps and the fundamentals of dynamic pump repair. The information it contains will be helpful to both novice and experienced pump repair technicians, to supervisors and managers of pump repair operations, and to customer service and sales personnel who communicate with customers about pump repair issues.

Mechanical Repair Fundamentals of Electric Motors (2nd Edition)

  • January 2010
  • Number of views: 14562
  • Article rating: 4.1

Fundamental to every good mechanical repair is the ability to disassemble, repair and reassemble the motor correctly without unnecessary damage to any of the motor parts. This sounds simple, and yet too many costly mistakes are made in this process of taking things apart. If every motor repaired was in “as new” condition, the task would be much simpler. This manual introduces much of the basics to electric motor disassembly and assembly.

Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors

Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors - coverThis 40-page booklet provides great advice for obtaining the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors.

This booklet covers topics such as:

  • Installation, startup and baseline information
  • Operational monitoring and maintenance
  • Motor and baseline installation data
  • How to read a motor nameplate
  • Motor storage recommendations



EASA/AEMT Rewind Study

EASA Rewind Study cover

The Effect of Repair/Rewinding on Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors
Tests prove Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors can be rewound without degrading efficiency.


ANSI/EASA AR100-2020

ANSI/EASA AR100-2015 cover

Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus
This is a must-have guide to the repair of rotating electrical machines. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.



EASA Technical Manual

EASA Technical Manual cover

Revised May 2024
The EASA Technical Manual is the association's definitive and most complete publication. It's available FREE to members in an online format. Members can also download PDFs of the entire manual or individual sections.